ESTEVES: The police were extremely supportive, because in India, it's a democratic right to protest. PESCA: What was the reaction to the parades from the police and the public? ESTEVES (Magazine Editor, New Delhi, India Pride Parade Organizer): Hi. Lesley Esteves helped organize the New Delhi parade. In India, homosexual acts are illegal, though prosecutions are rare, rarer than parades, it would seem. There were also marchers in Calcutta, although not for the first time. Yesterday marked the first ever gay pride parade in Bangalore and New Delhi, India. The annual Pride March began in 1970 as a commemoration of the 1969 Stonewall Riots, a clash with police at a Greenwich Village bar that was a cornerstone event in the popularization of the gay rights movement. There were gay pride marches in many American cities this weekend, New York, San Francisco, Chicago among them. Hi, welcome back to the Bryant Park Project from NPR News.